Jaime Lobato (MX/EE)

Transmedial artist, composer, curator and independent researcher. He made his studies in the Faculty of Music of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). He has had three solo exhibitions at the Space of Sound Experimentation of the University Museum of Contemporary Art, at the museum Laboratorio Arte Alameda and a retrospective solo show at the Contemporary Art Gallery of Xalapa, Mexico. As an artist he has participated in several collective exhibitions such as Prácticas de Vuelo, Cervantino International Festival, Guanajuato, México; PDCon, gallery Lab for Electronic Art and Performance LEAP, Berlin, Germany; Afecciones Colaterales, International Festival of Electronic Arts and Video Transitio_MX, Mexico City; C.A.C.A.O, Museo del Chopo, Mexico City; Cambios Compartidos, at International Festival of Electronic Arts and Video Transitio_MX, Mexico City; Glitcha, gallery CON Artist Collective, New York, USA; IN-Sonora, Madrid, Spain; Periscopio at the gallery Zipper, Saõ Paulo, Brazil; LiveCodes, Factory Media Center, Hamilton, Canada; Species of Spaces, Center of Digital Culture, Mexico City; Piksel, Lydgalleriet, Bergen, Norway; Piiritus, Temnikova & Kasela Gallery, Tallinn, Estonia; Sentient Machines?, Färgfabriken Gallery. Futureless Festival. Stockholm, Sweden.

As curator he has developed projects such as Sección Temperie, sound art show related to the Fluxus movement for the Multimedia Center of the National Center for the Arts, Hibrida, electronic art show for the University of Saõ Paulo, Diarios Efímeros, Live Coding show for the University Museum of Contemporary Art of UNAM and Diarios Efímeros 2.0 for the museum Laboratorio Arte Alameda and, LABIS NATURÆ, for the Multimedia Center of the National Center for the Arts and HOMEOMORPHISMS, listening to the data, for the Sound Space of the Autonomous Metropolitan University Mexico City.

As a researcher he worked at the Scientific Visualization Lab and at the Virtual Reality Observatory “Ixtli”. He is founder of the Research Seminar in Music, Mathematics and Computer Studies (SEMIMUTICAS), founder of the biohacker space Independencia Biolab, the Mathematics Visualization and Sonification Laboratory and the Sensory Experimentation Laboratory “Javier Covarrubias”. Now he is associate researcher at the Center for Complexity Sciences (C3-UNAM), visiting professor at UAM-Xochimilco and collaborates with the Mathematics Research Institute (IM-UNAM), the Applied Mathematics and Systems Research Institute (IIMAS-UNAM) and the Cellular Physiology Institute (IFC-UNAM) in transdisciplinary research projects that involve art, science and technology. He has several international publications in conference proceedings, journals and books, in editorials such as Cambridge Scholars, Springer-Verlag, Taylor & Francis, Siglo XXI and the Mexican Mathematical Society.

JaimeLobato full CV